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Elizabeth Sanchez Staff Photo

Welcome To Our Classroom 

I look forward to working with you and your children this year. So many great things will happen in our class! Our objectives this year are to help prepare your child for school emotionally, socially, and academically in a positive and nurturing environment.

Below you will find some of the skills we focus on in PreK 3:

Reading Readiness: developing listening skills, following directions, recognizing the left to right progression when reading and writing, beginning letter identification and letter sound correspondence.

Math Concepts: patterning, sorting, one to one correspondence, greater than/less than, shapes, size sequencing, number recognition, number writing.

Fine Motor Skills: manipulating small objects, tracing, painting, coloring, pencil grip, and cutting;

Science:  measuring, weighing, simple experiments and trying to predict the outcomes, open exploration;

Awareness of self: respect of self and others as well as our school community, waiting one’s turn to speak and play, and completing daily tasks.


Above all, a love of learning is our goal. 

